The PBoC once used RRR rises to restrain excess money growth by forcing commercial banks to keep a chunk of newly created base money on reserve at the central bank, where it is unavailable for lending. 中国央行曾通过提高存款准备金率,迫使商业银行将部分新创造的基础货币留在央行,作为无法用于放贷的储备金,从而实现限制货币过度增长的目的。
But this fear is completely misplaced: in a world awash with excess savings, we don't need China's money& especially because the Federal Reserve could and should buy up any bonds the Chinese sell. 可是这种担心完全没有必要:在一个的储蓄过剩泛滥的世界,我们可以不需要中国的金钱&尤其是因为联邦储备系统能够而且应当买尽中国出售的任何美国国债。
The 2008 financial crisis in Europe and the US arose from excessive bank lending during the 2000s caused by deregulation and excess liquidity from the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank. 欧洲和美国之所以会在2008年爆发金融危机,是因为本世纪头十年的放松监管以及美联储(fed)和欧洲央行(ecb)释放过多流动性造成银行过度放贷。
In this world, the US is passive victim, excess savers are the villains and the Federal Reserve is the hero. 在这个世界中,美国是一个被动的受害者,储蓄过剩国是作恶者,美联储则成为了英雄。
It then mops up this excess liquidity by issuing bills ( as "sterilisation") or by lifting banks 'reserve requirements. 然后央行再发行大量票据或者通过提高商业银行的准备金率要求来抹干超额的流动性。
Due to the severe excess liquidity, the PRC has hiked the deposit reserve ratio several times since April, 2006 in order to tighten the money supply and control the excess liquidity. 由于经济体系中的流动性过剩问题日趋严重,中国人民银行连续上调存款准备金率,以期通过这种重量级的货币政策来收缩银行体系的货币供给,从而有效地控制流动性过剩。
It added that additional steps would likely be needed, including further mopping-up of excess liquidity by the central bank, but possibly also including additional hikes in benchmark interest rates and or the reserve requirement ratio. 国际货币基金组织补充说,可能有必要进一步采取措施,包括由央行进一步吸收过剩流动性,可能还包括进一步调升基准利率和/或存款准备金率。
Chapter n analyzes the present urban gas civil use in WISCO, and points out that the major problems are miscalculation of fluctuating needs of users, rigid maximum production, excess reserve, and redundant pipe net transport. 第二章,分析了武钢民用煤气输配系统的现状,对用户动态需求估计不准,按照最大能力组织生产,储备能力过剩,管网输送能力富余;
The influence on the base money and the excess reserve of treasury administration institution under different regimes has been analyzed and the feasibility of the fiscal deposit's two-stage system has been illustrated. In addition, the issue of fiscal deposits interest has also been discussed. 分析了不同体制下的国库管理制度对中央银行基础货币和商业银行系统超额准备金的影响,揭示了我国应实行两级财政存款体系的可行性。
Under the circumstances of interest rate liberalization, interest rate on excess reserve as the lower limit of market interest rates plays an important role in preventing interest rates from cutting down inordinately. 尤其是在利率市场化条件下,超额准备金利率成为货币市场利率的底线,对于防止利率过度低调具有其它工具所不可替代的作用。
The Wermers buyers 'herd behavior correlates positively with every stock reserve, but the excess demand buyers' herd behavior correlates negatively with every stock reserve; Wermers买方羊群行为与每股公积金呈正相关,而超额需求买方羊群行为与每股公积金呈负相关;
The Impact of Falling of Excess Reserve Ratio upon Banking Industry 超额准备金利率下调对银行业的影响
On excess foreign exchange reserve and government financing ability 论超额外汇储备与政府理财能力
Active Management for Excess Foreign Exchange Reserve On excess foreign exchange reserve and government financing ability 超额外汇储备的积极管理策略
But on the other hand, it has led to the problems of excess liquidity capacity, insufficient degrees of freedom of monetary policy, the increase pressure of RMB appreciation and facing more difficulties of the target to Hedge the foreign exchange reserve. 但另一方面,巨额的外汇占款使国内流动性过剩问题产生,我国货币政策自由度受到影响。外汇市场上人民币升值压力大,外汇储备的保值目标难以控制。
The performances is that large variance growths rapidly between saves and loans. M2 and M1 continually deviation, excess reserve of banks has a high level and money market interest rate has a low level. 表现为不断迅速增长的巨额的存贷差、M2与M1的持续背离、超额存款准备金的高企和货币市场利率的低位运行。
Foreign exchange has become main source of excess liquidity of China. Raising the reserve deposit ratio and issuing central bank bills can only temporarily seal excess liquidity, but not eliminate inflation and asset price bubble that excess liquidity brought. 外汇占款成为中国流动性过剩的主要来源,而提高存款准备金率和发行央行票据只能暂时封存过剩流动性,实际上并没有消除流动性过剩带来的通货膨胀和资产价格泡沫预期。
Secondly, excess reserve ratio of variable was analyzed with principal component analysis, reaching the external economic environment factor and the internal economic factor. 其次,对超额准备金率变量进行主成分分析,得出外部经济环境因子与内部经济环境因子。